Warren Dias

Kaizen Naturals Ambassador Warren Dias

Kelsey Schaefer |


Warren is an international men's physique athlete, certified personal trainer, and nutritionist with the goal of motivating and inspiring people to achieve their fitness goals through his years of knowledge and experience. Since getting started in the industry, Warren has realized that many people do not understand the importance of supplementation and how it can aid in the progression toward achieving their fitness and health goals. He aims to educate his clients and followers that proper supplementation plays a major role in nutrition and overall fitness development.

Warren also works as a mechanical engineer graduate, pursuing it as a profession alongside his online personal training business where he designs custom-made training and nutrition plans to clients.

Favourite Way to Sweat

Warren loves his leg days and always end it with a killer stepper workout to break a sweat. His leg days consist of squats, lunges, leg extensions, and stiff-leg deadlifts—always switching things up to make it fun.

Favourite Way to Recover Post-Workout

Cooldown with mobility stretches and a healthy meal/protein shake for muscle recovery.

Greatest Accomplishment

When he competed for the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBF) in Italy in November 2020. Despite the global pandemic and widespread gym closures, Warren managed to top his category with a first place win, and was in the first call-outs for the pro-card.

Go-To Recipe

An easy breakfast:

Living Your Best Life

To Warren, living his best life means always gaining new degrees of self-awareness and self-development, which leads to taking actions that aid in the discovery and development of your interests, talents, and passions.

"Living my best life is to create the best version of myself that I can and work within limitations and shine in my unique way."