Tips for a Safe and Effective Cleanse

Tips for a Safe and Effective Cleanse

Tya Waterman |

As we mentioned in this post, detoxing your body is an effective way to eliminate waste and FEEL BETTER. And yet, many people cringe when they hear the word CLEANSE. We totally get it! We understand the idea of being restricted can seem daunting; no body likes to feel as though they are being deprived. Thankfully, our Kaizen Naturals® Cleanse is very easy to get along with (your new bestie perhaps?).

Cleanse Tips

So, if you’re like us and think of the spring solstice as an ideal time to shake out your drapes (does anyone have drapes anymore?), open the windows and let the sun shine in – we’re here. If you want to pack up your winter clothing into storage bins and take inventory of your pantry, yep…we’re here. And if you’ve lined up your book shelf with summer vacation reads, your vision board with sculpted legs and your fashion must-have list with new swimwear, we’re right beside you!

Next week, many of us here at head office will also be cleaning out our bodies with our 7-Day Cleanse. To help your week be as successful as possible, here are a few sure fire ways to cleanse safely and with the least amount of disruption.

How To:
  1. Drink plenty of water. Easy, right? Obvious? Yep! Water is good for you. We all know that.
  2. Eat healthy, well-balanced meals. Choose good fats, avoid processed foods. These are great words to live by, cleanse or not.
  3. Limit your caffeine intake. Because caffeine can be dehydrating, you’ll want to try and consume as little caffeine as possible.
  4. Avoid alcohol. So that you can feel your best each day and not increase your toxins.

Let’s be honest, the goal is to give your digestive system a vacation and the easier you can make it on your body, the more likely you’re to:

a) Repeat the process.

b) Enjoy the week spent taking care of you.

In 2012, University College London in England conducted a study on habits. Contrary to the longstanding belief, it may take longer than 21 days to form a habit. In fact, their research concluded that it actually takes 66 days. Participants in this study were tracked for 84 days measuring automaticity of a repetitive chosen behaviour. On average, 66 days was the point at which the habit had been formed.

This cleaner way of being doesn’t have to be a forever plan, but it can help to steer you in the right direction for better health habits. Remember, it’s only a week, it’s super agreeable and hey, who doesn’t want to be better?

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