Payment & Taxes

What type of payment do you accept?

We accept the following methods of payment.

American Express
Diner’s Club
Discover Card

Your purchase from Kaizen Naturals® will show on your Credit Card statement as The Winning Combination Inc.

What currency is Kaizen Naturals® sold in?

All products sold on the Kaizen Naturals® online store are sold in Canadian dollars.

Tax Guidelines

GST, PST and HST will be charged where applicable.

Am I charged immediately when I place my order?

Yes, your credit card is charged immediately. Any items that cannot be fulfilled on your order will be refunded to your credit card.

Can my shipping and billing address be different?

Yes. You will have the option to select a different shipping and billing address at checkout.

Do you ship backorders?

We do not send out backorders and you will need to reorder once the item becomes available again on our site.

Can I change or cancel my order?

Orders are processed and shipped as soon as possible so please contact us at immediately after placing your order if you have changed your mind.

I have a promo code, how do I use it?

You can apply your promo code in your shopping cart where the box asks for your ‘Discount Code’. Enter it in the box and click apply.

Can I use more than one promo code?

No. The code you were provided would be good for one-time use only and is not able to be used in conjunction with any other offers.

I missed a promotion by one day, is it still possible to use the Promo Code for a discount on my order?

Unfortunately, after the promotion end date the Promo code expires and cannot be used.